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Elementary, Middle & High School

Art, with its colors and shapes, paints paths of growth where emotions and relationships flourish, transforming each lesson into a journey towards the discovery of oneself and others.

Click here to download the PDF Flyer of the ARTE LAB projects





The Water Element helps us remember that we cannot always choose how things will go, but we can also welcome the flow of events, learning the delicacy that watercolor brushes teach us.


Through Color


A unique laboratory of its kind where art therapy and expressive movement come together in a search for color and movement aimed at freeing oneself from the fear of not being able to draw. First, thanks to the study of color, we compose our colors and then we create shared works of very large dimensions.



Turn off the light


"Shadow Puppets"


From the ancient oriental tradition Let's build shadow puppets together to compose stories and tales...



The masks


​Funny masks, serious masks, facial expressions have always been the mirror to read on the other's face what is happening inside. Let's learn to observe the non-verbal language to transform every moment into an expression... Once the masks have been constructed, let's combine them with body movements as in ancient pantomimes to compose moving museums.


Collage & Kamishibai


​Collage is an excellent artistic tool that allows free expression to children of all ages and abilities, mixing images taken from magazines and newspapers, photographs and recycled material you can compose incredible works full of colours... telling stories thanks to the images... and then tell them thanks to the Japanese technique of Kamishibai


Body & Shadows


"Project Turn Off the Light II"


Artistic laboratory to create stories and images through the formation of shadows on the wall.


Binding & Poetry


​Artistic Laboratory in which you can learn to create hand-bound books to fill with creative writing and poetry... thanks to the teachings of HAIKU, the Japanese poetic style and other contemporary creative writing techniques.

| Expressive Movement | Contact Improvisation | Art therapy | Experiential Workshops | Ludopedagogy | Emotional Education | +39 3405752656 | Marlene Consoli   | Riccardo Sacilotto

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