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Art Teacher and Facilitator of Expressive Movement & Contact Improvisation workshops, Art Therapy and individual meetings on body awareness and Emotional Somatics.


Specialist Degree "Visual Arts" & "ART THERAPEUTIC" Accademia Belle Arti di Brera: Expressing yourself through form, movement and color allows you to elaborate conscious and unconscious states of mind through the processes of Matter.


Three-year degree in Pedagogical and Educational Sciences University of Reggio Emilia: Life Long Learning allows you to observe the phases of life change not only in childhood but also in adult life. Through the experiential laboratory we can find the necessary support to find our resources and authentically experience the transformations required by life .

Training "CONTACT IMPROVISATIONE" & "FLOOR WORK" Vangelis Legakis / Training "CONTACT IMPROVISATIONE" & "BMC" Alex Guess.


Training Course "EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT" University of Lisbon & Chapito: Awareness in movement in touch, dance as a form of spiritual and collective communication of the emotions of living .

Professional Diploma of "MASSOTHERAPIST" MCB Milan School: Specialization in SHIATSU NAMIKOSHI massage, Specialization in AYURVEDIC massage, Emotional Release through Touch: Art of touch can help us rediscover new ways of relaxing and releasing physical tension that have an emotional or postural nature.


FLORITHERAPY Training Course 1st 2nd Level Certified by the Bach Center in London.


COUNSELLOR FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS Nementon School Milan Marco Massignan: Family Constellations are a method of awareness in relationships spread by the psychologist Bert Hellinger. They take up the research principles of psychodrama and group therapy. They allow us to become aware of the family models we have learned and how these influence our relationships with others and with ourselves.

Conìa School Experimental Theater Claudia Castellucci CESENA / Laboratorio Escuela de Expresión Corporal Dramática Jessika Walker Barcelona: The Greeks thought that the cathartic power of theater was a means to purify the soul. Performative art as a means of expressing our authenticity and beauty. A group art that brings the importance of ritual and community back to our times.


HATHA YOGA Training Abhijna Yoga School Varkala India.


YOGA THERAPY Abhijna Yoga School Varkala India.


YOGA NIDRA “Shankar Prasad” Foundation Gokarna India: Yoga is a discipline that helps you rediscover yourself connected with the body and reconnect with the breath, restoring harmony in the physical and psychological systems.

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Bachelor's Degree in MOTOR, SPORTS AND HEALTH SCIENCES "Carlo Bo" University of Urbino: "The first steps towards movement, the first steps towards education, the first steps towards play."


Master in PSYCHOMOTRIC PROFESSION "Cà Foscari" University of Venice. The magic of the body through psychology and movement, managing to transform even the simplest gestures into magical actions


Training in PLAY PEDAGOGY La Mancha training and investigation center, Montevideo (Uruguay)


CONTACT IMPROVISATION training with Ulli Witteman in Munich (Germany). New knowledge of the body through improvisation and dance. The awareness of being able to practice and expand my knowledge of psychomotor skills firsthand by moving my body in contact with others.

FIGC course for qualification as a football coach in Mestre (Venice): Important exchange between sports professionals where, between theories and practice, it was possible to learn group dynamics and all the facets of this sport.


​Psychomotricist specialized in movement and play as personal and educational research, physical education teacher and 5-a-side football coach and moderator of workshops on play and movement.


Researcher of stories and fairy tales for children, already writing the stories below:


  • On a trip to the chocolate factory

  • Hedgehogs and the search for the colorful jungle

  • Hedgehogs in the pirate world

  • The curious heron in the Ricci pond

  • Turkey and Little Red Riding Hood in search of diamond flowers

  • The magical villa

| Expressive Movement | Contact Improvisation | Art therapy | Experiential Workshops | Ludopedagogy | Emotional Education | +39 3405752656 | Marlene Consoli   | Riccardo Sacilotto

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