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Discovering the Game ​


"Play makes us aware and present to reality in a creative way, it is a safe space in which to learn, and where our inner dimensions are in synergy with each other."

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Ludo pedagogy

A day dedicated to discovering the game, using it as a means to see and transform yourself through the body, surprising yourself with your own intuitive ability. Becoming "play-thinking" beings, being able to integrate gaming into our daily and working lives, seeing this tool as a source of training and knowledge. We will start from disorder to find our own new order.



Ludopedagogy is a group practice centered on play, understood as a privileged space for the continuous signification of the reality we inhabit. It began its journey in 1989, when La Mancha was founded as a training and research center in Montevideo, Uruguay. He continues his journey through different landscapes, nourished by many companions who have nourished, enriched, nourished and provoked him.



For who ?


The workshops are aimed at professional figures interested in education: "We intend to promote, through Ludopedagogy, the construction of a "knowledge" and a "doing" capable of transforming reality and giving the opportunity to experiment with new forms of meeting and knowledge, reviewing roles and redesigning educational relationships."

In play pedagogy two areas meet: play and the construction of knowledge. We play to learn, to build knowledge that integrates all our dimensions and involves us as political subjects in search of other possible and necessary worlds.


Through the privileged opportunity that the game offers us to look at reality with different logics, we can understand it with all its dimensions, connecting the mind with the body and sensations, building a "felt" knowledge, refining our clear vision and finding new questions to old answers.


Ludopedagogy is a poetry that takes shape in shared metaphors, metaphors that we discover when we break down the map of reality and pass to the other side of the mirror: when we decide to play intimately and freely.

| Expressive Movement | Contact Improvisation | Art therapy | Experiential Workshops | Ludopedagogy | Emotional Education | +39 3405752656 | Marlene Consoli   | Riccardo Sacilotto

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