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Elementary & Middle School

“Theatre and expressive movement weave together emotions and relationships, opening hearts and minds, and transforming learning into a living art pulsating with humanity.”


Click here to download the PDF Flyer of MOVEMENT EXPRESSIVE projects


The World inside a BOX


"I'm lost...How to find your way HOME"


Project aimed at reflecting on the classroom and school as a safe place, THE HOME as an archetype of a space where we can be... without being afraid of judgement, but also as a form of learning to reflect on how we ourselves can through our behavior make it possible to create a protected space. Recycling materials from school canteens are used for the project.


The Rite of Passage



"The Serpent and the gift of the Eyes to look into the Future"


Life's transitions need to be processed with a gesture, a reflection... a ritual that allows us to process where we come from and where we are going. The challenges that growth offers us can be faced in a constructive way through the guidance of figures who accompany us on the journey. Project transition from elementary school to middle school through the "Great Leap of Fire" and the "Dance of Courage".


Fairytales & Emotions


​The Fairytales to learn to recognize our emotions and observe our behavior based on what we feel. The emotions to understand and improve the relationship with ourselves and with others.



The Woods Inside


The Fable to learn to recognize our emotions and observe our behavior based on what we feel. The emotions to understand and improve the relationship with ourselves and others.


High School & Teenagers

Clicca Qui per scaricare il Flyer PDF dei progetti di MOVIMENTO ESPRESSIVO

Inside the Myth



The Mythological Tales have much to reveal, they are hermetic at first reading, they are the cultural baggage of centuries, a map into the world of the human psyche, and they can guide us in our personal research and teach us something through the experience of their events. Processed through Video Art | Performance | and other artistic tools can offer important stimuli for transformation processes.


Le Città Invisibili



Questo laboratorio è come un viaggio che parla del viaggiare verso mete lontane o vicine ma sconosciute, rimanendo dentro ad una stanza. Viaggi che ci aiutano a capire chi siamo e cosa desideriamo trovare nelle città invisibili dentro di noi. Per riscoprire come essere partecipi nella realtà del mondo in cui abitiamo.


Bodies & Identities



Recognizing yourself and being recognized are important needs for an age like adolescence. The complexities of a constantly changing body and of an important transition such as feeling part of the world and society in which we live can be faced together thanks to the qualities of the group, learning the beauty of collaboration and sharing.

| Expressive Movement | Contact Improvisation | Art therapy | Experiential Workshops | Ludopedagogy | Emotional Education | +39 3405752656 | Marlene Consoli   | Riccardo Sacilotto

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